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Aug. 17 2023
Dairy’s data-driven technological revolution opens new and exciting opportunities in cow care and labor efficiency
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July 25 2023
County and state dairy promotion programs were created to help promote the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products to consumers
June 19 2023
I have had the unique privilege of being able to raise and show both beef and dairy cattle
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June 16 2023
Continuing education comes in many forms. Some students looking to pursue post-high school training in dairy production choose a technical college degree
June 8 2023
School’s out, and June Dairy Month is upon us as we celebrate all things dairy
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June 6 2023
In case you haven’t heard or remembered by now, it’s June Dairy Month!
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June 2 2023
It’s the most wonderful month of the year!
May 22 2023
It seems crazy how a four-legged animal can determine the direction of your life
May 15 2023
One of the reasons I love hanging out with people in the agricultural community, especially dairy farmers, is because it is so easy to start a conversation about all the classic debates
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
April 21 2023
Following a lifestyle that includes making decisions that are good for the planet continues to grow in importance to many consumers, especially those that fall in the demographic of Gen Z
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April 4 2023
I mentioned to my mom the other day that my one-year-old daughter is starting to have opinions on things like what she wants to eat and what she wants to wear
March 31 2023
This creative piece was written by one of our regular authors, Gerald Anderson. Be sure to read the full story to reveal a fun twist at the end!
Top five reasons to use youtube
March 27 2023
When asked which platform is best to reach today’s consumer, there’s one that shows up prominently in Google searches and social media: YouTube. Why is that?
Feb. 27 2023
During this school year, I have the pleasure of being an intern with Edge Dairy Cooperative, a group that is partnered with Minnesota Milk Producers Association
reset yourself with dairy
Feb. 13 2023
Promotional efforts supported by the national dairy checkoff earned two awards at a recent marketing competition
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Jan. 24 2023
The 93rd Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest is ready for your entries
Jan. 18 2023
If health and wellness are among your goals for 2023, adding more milk and other dairy products to your diet may be the perfect fit
Jan. 16 2023
As the “Your Dairy Checkoff” podcast starts its third year featuring farmer hosts, dairy industry guests, and in-depth conversations about dairy products and farming promotion, we want to thank
Dec. 5 2022
I have a completely renewed appreciation for dairy products and their benefits as a college student